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Fact Sheet

FAQs on Nuclear Disarmament

From PSR National.

Baking Soda Scrub English

Printable Recipe Card Sheets for Toxic-Free Cleaning Supplies

Print and share these recipes for non-toxic cleaning supplies, in English or Spanish.

Healthy Kids

Toxic-Free Child Program

Materials from Texas PSR’s Toxic-Free Child Program.

Too Dirty Too Dangerous

Too Dirty, Too Dangerous: Why Health Professionals Reject Natural Gas

Based on summaries of recent medical and scientific studies, this report clearly conveys the health threats that accompany use of methane as a fuel. From PSR National.

Fact Sheet

An In-Depth Look at Sustainable Food Practices at the University of Texas at Austin

Sustainable food systems incorporate a set of practices which focus on enhancing food production, improving economic efficiency, and promoting healthy eating habits.


Gun Violence Position Statement

Texas PSR promotes stronger public health and safety laws pertaining to firearms, including: Ban assault weapons and ammunition magazines that hold more than 10 rounds Require background checks for all…


Alternative Energy Position Statement

As Texas is rich in solar and wind energy potential, Texas PSR supports and promotes the expansion of the renewable energy industry including maintaining and expanding tax credits and infrastructure.…


Hydraulic Fracturing Position Statement

As hydraulic fracturing (“fracking”) and its associated processes may be a potential threat to public health, Texas PSR calls on federal, state, and local officials to create strong standards to…