LTE: Warming climate demands clean energy solutions May 26, 2020

Must read LTE in the Austin American Statesman by Texas Physicians for Social Responsibility Executive Director, Steve McKee:

Warming climate demands clean energy solutions

As director of Texas Physicians for Social Responsibility I read with interest your article 5 things to know about Tuesday’s summerlike heat in Austin. The point that climate change has led to earlier average start dates for 100-degree temperatures is a trend that should concern us.

The warming climate is already causing summer to extend beyond the months of June, July, and August and increasing the prevalence of serious medical conditions including heat stroke, dehydration and food and water-borne diseases. Heat-related injuries and deaths among children and outdoor manual laborers could also rise.

These outcomes are preventable.

Scientific evidence establishes that the warming climate is largely due to emissions of greenhouse gases from burning fossil fuels. We need policies that integrate clean energy production and economic opportunity. It’s time for our elected leaders to take strong actions to promote clean energy solutions that protect the health of all of us.

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